Autumn Color Types


Autumn sunset
True Autumn

True Autumn

The True Autumn palette is warm toned, medium to deep, and ranges in clarity from muted to moderately clear. Colors that are typical of this palette include orange, mahogany, olive green, warm brown, rich tomato red, rust, and turmeric yellow.

Individuals within this season will often have light brown to dark brown hair, a medium or dark eye colour, and skin that is most frequently medium in depth.

Celebrity Examples: Olivia Palermo, Jessica Alba, Kate Middleton, Julie Roberts.

Warm Autumn

The Warm Autumn palette is warm toned, and medium in clarity and depth. Colours that are typical of this palette include cinnamon, soft lime green, salmon and rust.

Individuals within this season will most often have a light or a medium warm skin tone with hair that is either a medium golden brown or in the red family.

Celebrity Examples: Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Lindsey Lohan, Julianne Moore, Rene Russo.

Warm Autumn
Deep Autumn

Deep Autumn

The Deep Autumn palette is neutral to warm and contains colors that are predominantly dark. Colors that are typical of this palette include deep forest green, deep coffee brown, aubergine, burgundy, dark olive, and deep teal.

Individuals who fall in tho this season most most commonly have a medium depth skin tone with a medium-deep to deep hair color and a medium or dark eye colour.

Celebrity Examples: Victoria Beckham, Charlie Sheen, Eva Mendes, Selena Gomez.

Soft Autumn

The Soft autumn palette is neutral to warm, muted, and contains colours that re predominantly medium in depth. Colors typical of this palette include muted grey-green, soft olive, salmon pink, coffee brown, brick red, teal blue, jade green, soft aubergine, and browned burgundy.

Individuals who are within this season will generally have a medium or dark eye colour, light to medium skin, and hair colour that can range from dark blonde to dark brown.

Celebrity Examples: Kate Winslet, Rachel McAdams, Katie Holmes.

Soft autumn